Sunday, September 28, 2008

Prospecting in a down economy

How do you successfully prospect in a down economy where every penny you spend has to count? Clear, concise, targeted marketing and spend your resources wisely.

In today's world you must build relationships. It's not good enough to mass market and hope someone steps forward. You must plan your work and work your plan.

Step #1. Who is your target audience? Define them. Who are they, what are their interests, how can you get their attention? Narrow down your target audience by location, industry, company size, etc. The best way to do this is to analyze your top existing clients and find out what they have in common. Then go after them.

Step #2. What is their biggest problem and how can you solve it? To figure this out you must think like them. What keeps them up at night? What problem do they have that wastes their time and money? Don't know? Ask them face-to-face or in a survey. What motivates them to make a buying decision? Remember, prospects never care about you or your company they only care about what you can do for them. When they see that you can provide solutions to their problems they will seek you out!

Step #3. What can you give away that has real value to your prospect? It doesn't have to be expensive. It is the perceived value that matters. In fact make sure it is low cost to implement, but has a high perceived value. The give away must be relevant to the prospect and must address their pain. What not to give away: a sales pitch, Free/discontinued products and services with lots of fine print and restrictions, etc. This will work against you. Remember at this stage they don't know who you are and if they get a bad taste in their mouth, they will turn and run, never looking back. The goal is to let the prospect get a taste of what you can do for them without giving it all away. When you genuinely care about your prospects well-being this comes through in everything you do and the relationship will start to be built. Focus on your prospects lifetime value not on the quick sale.

4. Stay in contact! Every month that you don't contact your clients you lose 10% of your influence. There are so many ways to stay in contact. A newsletter, e-mail, newpaper/magazine clipping saying "I say this and thought you might enjoy this article", cards (B-day, Thank you, etc.). The point is that it only takes a minute to do these and it means alot to your new client.

In summary, always give prospects more than they expect (service, value, time, energy, content, etc.). It will cost you a lot less than traditional advertising and will increase your profits dramatically.

If you would like some ideas that would help you get your foot in the door with your prospects please contact me. I would love to help you.

Wishing you success in your business,
Shana Anderson
Complete Workplace, Inc.

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